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прогулка и беседа (walk and talk)
The past is not true
dashing dog, searching for purpose
$575K of books sold. $575K to save lives.
The joy and freedom of harmlessly upsetting social norms
Why I let go of my U.S. citizenship
the Michael Browne suits
Curve into the target
Thinking something nice about someone? Tell them.
50 conversations in Bangalore and Chennai
Explorers are bad leaders
Travelling just for the people
Want anonymity? Make a persona not a mystery.
I want to lose every debate.
Conversations with Tyler Cowen
Reading the Bible start to finish
Make believe
Daily run, part two
Static HTML comments
Daily run, part one
Your explanations are not true
Shortest date, and ketchup
full-length videobook for “Your Music and People”
Anything You Want — third edition for 2022
Scuba, panic, empathy
Writing one sentence per line
The joke that changed my life
Find a good available .com domain
Travel is best with young children
Short URLs: why and how
Ancestors, Luck, and Descendants
Why I left America
Write plain text files
Generate unique random values directly in the database
Database triggers to clean text inputs
Database functions to wrap logic and SQL queries
Database trigger recalculates totals, for data integrity
About my book notes
Considerate book pricing
How many pets do you have?
$250K books sold. $250K to save lives.
How to learn JavaScript
Time is personal. Your year changes when your life changes.
Experiments in music and life
Writing daily, but posting when ready
How I got rich on the other hand
Podcast published today
When in doubt, try the difference
Why experts are annoying
What you learn by travelling
PostgreSQL example of self-contained stored procedures
Mastery school
Monthly self-expansion project
Living according to your hierarchy of values
How to ask your mentors for help
When you win the game, you stop playing
Digital pollution
Cut out everything that’s not surprising
Heed your fears
Daydreaming is my favorite pastime
Анти-хамелеон (Anti-chameleon)
Where we do and don’t want automation
Human nature to focus on the one bad thing
Back and forth between super-hot and super-cold
Err on the side of action, to test theories
Blowing off work to play
What happens when we ignore plans?
Tour -isms
Daydreaming the downside, for once
Where to find the hours to make it happen
Your heroes show which way you’re facing
Don’t quote. Make it yours and say it yourself.
Have a private email account
Future posthumous autobiography
Cross the world four times
What I did belies why
Would you make your art if you were the last person on earth?
Travel without social praise
Travel without a phone
My old clothes don’t fit
Doors and windows and what’s real
I’ve moved from New Zealand to Oxford England
Benefits of a daily diary and topic journals
The art of selfishness
You don’t need confidence, just contribution.
If you’re not feeling “hell yeah!” then say no
About this book
OpenBSD : why and how
Moving for good
Why I’m not on Facebook
Detailed dreams blind you to new means.
Include everyone in your success.
My writing process
Keep in touch.
Be an extreme character.
Get specific!
What it means to be resourceful
Rock stars have a boss?
Never wait.
The higher the price, the more they value it.
Creative communication
Considerate communication
Get personal.
Pedestals prevent friendships.
Use the internet, not just companies.
Move to the big city.
Why you need a database
Shed your money taboos.
Pricing philosophy
Art doesn’t end at the edge of the canvas.
It’s hard to get off stage.
“Marketing” just means being considerate.
Repeatedly follow-up to show you care.
Unlikely places and untangled goals
What are the odds of that?
Parenting : Who is it really for?
To hone your writing, hire a translator.
Ego is the Enemy
Actions, not words, reveal our real values
Think like a bronze medalist, not silver
Art is useless, and so am I
Quitting something you love
Solitary socialite
Frequently Asked Questions
How to do what you love and make good money
Tilting my mirror (motivation is delicate)
Why are you doing?
I’m a very slow thinker
Keep earning your title, or it expires
When you’re extremely unmotivated
Don’t add your two cents
Possible futures
Singing the counter-melody
How to stop being rich and happy
How to be useful to others
How to thrive in an unknowable future
What to do when you get successful
How to get rich
How to like people
Do this. Directives — part 1
Don’t start a business until people are asking you to
Interviews at sive.rs/i
Why I don’t promote
Happy, Smart, and Useful
Assume men and women are the same
Beware of advice
Overcompensate to compensate
How to take a compliment
Why I don’t want stuff
Should you learn programming? Yes.
Switch strategies
The /now page movement
Relax for the same result
Saying no to everything else
“Just tell me what to do”: compressing knowledge into directives
Simplify: move code into database functions
Getting out of a bad state of mind
How to change or build your career
Fixed mindset vs Growth mindset
I love being wrong
You can afford to be generous
Lose every fight
Every interaction is your moment to shine
Customer service is everything
The philosophy of great customer service
Loving what I used to hate
Смысл жизни (The Meaning of Life)
Хотите сменить профессию — следуйте пути Тарзана (Change careers like Tarzan)
What if you didn’t need money or attention?
How will this game end?
Imitate. We are imperfect mirrors.
Understanding Vietnam
Understanding Singapore
Understanding Indonesia
Understanding Japan
Same word. Different places? Different meanings.
Wood Egg 2014 books are on sale now
Jac Holzman
Why am I here?
Why my code and ideas are public
OK Milt, I’ll start writing again
Fragile Plan vs Robust Plan
Wood Egg (my new company)
Кто-то всегда будет говорить, что вы не правы (Some will always say you’re wrong)
В этой игре нет правил (No rules in this game)
Как найти настоящее вдохновение (Seeking inspiration?)
The Great Movies
Human Intervention as a Competitive Advantage
It’s all who you know?
Focus, entertain, or both?
Метод интервального повторения — лучший способ изучения языков программирования (Memorizing a programming language using spaced repetition software)
Это всё из-за меня (Everything is my fault)
You don’t have to be local
Напрягай себя. Расширяй зону комфорта. (Push, push, push. Expanding your comfort zone.)
Умные люди не считают других дураками (Smart people don’t think others are stupid)
Advice on moving to Los Angeles
Friends from memory
The co-op business model: share whatever you’ve got
232 sand dollars
Procrastination hack: change “and” to “or”
You make your perfect world
Delegate, but don’t abdicate
Make it anything you want
It’s about being, not having
Prepare to double
It’s OK to be casual
Little things make all the difference
The most successful email I ever wrote
Like you don’t need the money
Care about your customers more than about yourself
You don’t need a plan or a vision
Why no advertising?
Proudly exclude people
Formalities play on fear. Bravely refuse.
Start now. No funding needed.
The advantage of no funding
Just like that, my plan completely changed
If it’s not a hit, switch
This ain’t no revolution
A business model with only two numbers
Make a dream come true
Just selling my CD
What’s your compass?
Ten years of experience in one hour
Anything You Want (my first book)
Projecting meaning
Fish don’t know they’re in water
Don’t be a donkey
I moved to Singapore
Any questions?
There’s no place like home
Delegate or die: the self-employed trap
Obvious to you. Amazing to others.
Why wreck a blank canvas?
The day Steve Jobs dissed me in a keynote
KarmaList wishlist?
Valuable to others, or only you?
Quit quirks when working with others
My loss
I assume I’m below average
How to get hired
How to hire a programmer to make your ideas happen
After fifteen years of practice
How I became Ryuichi Sakamoto’s guitarist
Naïve quitting
Thursday = Thor’s day
A real person, a lot like you
Flip it in your favor.
First Follower idea is all yours
First Follower: Leadership Lessons from a Dancing Guy
Don’t punish everyone for one person’s mistake
There are always more than two options
Big catalog = infinite specialty shops
Papa Bill: I don’t need to worry about you.
Put buskers online
Online marketing = "Color" TV
Why I gave my company to charity
There’s no speed limit
Shine a spotlight on one idea at a time.
The challenge: Don’t speak in future tense.
Trust, but verify
Let pedestrians define the walkways
Fela Kuti
Confidence required
If you think you haven’t found your passion…
Doesn’t feel like work (or I’ve forgotten)
Learning the lesson, not the example.
How I knew I was done with my company
You should feel pain when unclear
How do you grade yourself?
Not happy with existing venues? Make a new one.
What’s the difference between like, love, and in-love?
If only one percent of those people…
Does your company really want to hang out with me?
Venue for audience to mix their own audio
Emphasize meaning over price.
Is there such a thing as too much freedom?
Write? Write. Sleep? Sleep. Read? Read. Don’t fight it.
Imagining lots of tedious steps? Or one fun step?
Does it help to be desperate? Part 2
Does it help to be desperate?
Climbing ladders
My heroes
Kurt Vonnegut explains drama
How to send personalized emails
What do you hate not doing?
Musician’s own website as definitive source of all info
No yes. Either HELL YEAH! or no.
A computer that would require kids to be creative to use it
I miss the mob
Listen to my music, and let me know what I should do
The power of no reward
The mirror: It’s about you, not them.
Semi-experts: profit by saving us time
Nothing to waste: The advantage of being under-funded
Version 0.1 = Start lo-fi
Early drafts of great work are encouraging
Doing the opposite of everyone is valuable.
Japanese addresses: No street names. Block numbers.
Customers given too many choices are 10x less likely to buy
Не рассказывайте о своих планах – если еще надеетесь их выполнить (Announcing your plans makes you less motivated to accomplish them)
That’s version infinity. First launch version 0.1.
Show success before asking for help.
Why you need your own company
MusicThoughts update : inspiring quotes for music-makers
How to make a movement. Lessons learned from dancing guy.
Are you present-focused or future-focused?
You have enough.
Some people like to pay. Let them.
Are fans telling friends? If not, don’t promote.
The security of no security
What super-power do you want?
You need to be profitable to last.
My $3.3M mistake
Have you looked under the chickens?
Not what it used to be!
Character predicts your future
Sammy Cahn said thank you
Goals shape the present, not the future.
Aimee Mullins
Accelerate change
My favorite fable
What do you do for feedback on a new song you’re writing?
Ideas to Reality
A free, open song contest idea
Advice for a 19-year-old guitarist who wants to be a session musician.
Don’t... if you think it’s going to make you happy
Getting past it
Assume nobody is going to help you.
Happiness is letting someone make you the villain
How to attend a conference
Make mystery : make people wonder.
Real rebellion is going to school wearing a clown suit
This is just one of many options
Are foreign accents a reflection of identity?
Nobody knows the future, so focus on what doesn’t change.
The Grand Pursuit
Uncomparable: anchor a new mama
Are you at the starting line or the finish line?
Mastering entrepreneurship?
Small actions change your self-identity
6 things I wish I knew the day I started Berklee
Reversible business models
Bye-Bye, Baby!
Ah, to own nothing!
Songwriters who don’t perform
A Musician’s Advice About the College Market
Selling music by solving a specific need
How was India?
Don’t promote until people can take action.
two three four ONE, two three four ONE
Aim for the edges.
Restrictions will set you free.
Eliminating the time between thinking something and doing it
If I had a record label, would you be signed to it?
Circle of influence — Circle of concern
Piracy is not the problem
What should I do when someone says, “Let me know what you think!” of their music?
Never have a limit on your income.
Whatever scares you, go do it
Happy 10th Birthday to CD Baby — and an announcement
The strength of many little customers
The public you is not you
7 reasons I switched back to PHP after 2 years on Rails
Ideas are just a multiplier of execution
Compass in your gut
Ignore advice that drains you.
Stay in over your head
You don’t get extreme results without extreme actions.
Be a competent novice, not an expert.
Have someone work the inside of the industry.
Assume the basic sale, and go for quantity
Get rejected, get filtered.
Photos of your audience on your website
Put your fans to work.
Call the destination, and ask for directions.
Your interactive website
Promo bits, ready to copy
Or you can not talk at all.
Describe your music like a non-musician.
Without a good reason, they won’t bother.
Hillbilly Flamenco
Don’t know how to describe your music?
Make people curious in one sentence.
When your music can’t speak for itself
Shining example: Rayko
Life is like high school.
Small gifts go a long way.
Don’t be afraid to ask for favors.
Always think how you can help someone.
Meet three new people every week.
Stay in touch with hundreds of people.
Persistence is polite.
Don’t be a mosquito.
Every breakthrough comes from someone you know.
Captain T
Business is creative.
This is only a test. See what happens.
Direct it yourself.
Was 10%, now 90%
A good plan wins no matter what happens.
Test marketing
Well-rounded doesn’t cut.
A hundred actors on stage
Don’t try to sound big.
Затроньте как можно больше чувств. (Touch as many of their senses as you can.)
Люди усерднее ищут непонятное. (People search harder for the obscure.)
Если вы нацелены достаточно четко, вы будете владеть своей нишей. (If you target sharp enough, you will own your niche.)
Самая дорогая водка (The most expensive vodka)
С гордостью исключаем большинство людей. (Proudly exclude most people.)
Любопытный ответ на самый распространенный вопрос (A curious answer to the most common question)
Используйте приемы, которые сработали на вас. (Use the tricks that worked on you.)
Постоянно спрашивайте, чего они хотят на самом деле. (Constantly ask what they really want.)
Как пройти через ворота? (How to get through the gates?)
Это же просто люди внутри машины!(It’s just people inside the machine!)
Краткое содержание этих историй (Some quick context for these stories)
Что внутри этой книги (What’s inside this book)